Take back the control of your parking lot

No available parking spots can be very frustrating, especially when you know there should be enough. If you want to ensure that the parking lot of your apartment building is only used by residents, we can help. Plus, you could potentially make extra income from that same parking lot.

Your parking lot – your terms!

Take back the control of your parking lot

No available parking spots can be very frustrating, especially when you know there should be enough. If you want to ensure that the parking lot of your apartment building is only used by residents, we can help. Plus, you could potentially make extra income from that same parking lot.

Your parking lot – your terms!

Happy parking makes happy residents

In urban areas with many cars, it may be necessary to regulate your parking space so that you ensure residents have free spaces at the times they need them. The right parking experience reduces the number of frustrated residents and the number of complaints.

Regardless of your parking lot’s size, parking regulation might be needed. And we are ready to help you.

Are you curious as to how it all works? Take a look at the three steps here:

Through the OPARKO app, you as a housing association can easily and quickly create a permit for the users of your car park. The permits can be created by the individual resident, which provides the greatest possible flexibility for all parties in your housing association.

Residents have both the option of creating a permit for as long as they want, all of this can be easily done through the OPARKO app.

Through OPARKO’s digital platform you have the option of giving all residents access to several aspects such as creating permits and issuing fees via the OPARKO app. In addition, it is possible to create long-term permits for parking lots, as well as day-to-day parking.

All this can easily be done through the digital platform as an administrator.

OPARKO offers housing associations or others with private parking areas the opportunity to, in joint collabotration with OPARKO, control the parking area for unauthorized, illegal and reckless parking.

With our easily accessible digital platform, you have the opportunity to manage all aspects within parking of your parking area. And with our mobile app, access can be managed so that residents can easily create guest permits themselves.

We push the buttons, and make sure that your parking lot is good to go. Regardless of what solution you choose for enforcing terms on your parking space we handle everything regarding collection, administration, complaints, payments, data security ect. You always have the control of your parking lot, we’re just here to facilitate if for you.

Runners inside parking

Curious about how it can be done on your parking space?

Write us with your questions and we will get right back to you!
We are just an e-mail away and ready to satisfy your curiosity.

Here is how it’s  done!

Our one–stop platform is designed to make parking management easy everyone thoughr various solutions. These are solutions that we already have great experience with. Doesn’t sound like the right solution for you? Then please feel free to contact us with your idea or need – we are always ready to innovate and develop what is needed.

Add-ons that makes your solution even more efficient

Camera control
Parking Warden
Parking warden

Control your parking
area yourself


Rent out your
parking area